Summer is almost here and that means more time outside playing, working out, and just having fun. Unfortunately, all of that activity sometimes means we forget one of the most important rules of summer: staying hydrated!
Water makes up about 60% of your body weight. Every single system in the body depends on having adequate amounts of fluids in order to function properly. Water flushes toxins from vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells, and provides a moist environment for ear, nose, throat, and eye tissues. Even mild dehydration can disrupt these systems draining you of your energy and causing some serious side effects. Here are 10 signs that you may be dehydrated!
1) You’re Thirsty
This seems like a given but you’d be surprised how many people mistake thirst for hunger. The adult thirst mechanism can be weak so the sensation of thirst can easily mislead the body into thinking that it needs food, not water. Chances are if you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.2) You Feel Tired, Confused, or Angry
Studies by the National Institutes of Health have found that even mild levels of dehydration can impact your mood and cognitive functions. Concentration, alertness, and even short-term memory functions can all be impaired because your body doesn’t have the fluid it needs to function properly.3) You Have Headaches or Experience Disorientation
Dehydration means your body is robbed of the fluids it needs to send to other parts of your body. This can result in dizziness and headaches. Some studies have even suggested that dehydration can trigger migraines.4) You Get Muscle Cramps
When you workout it’s natural for your muscles to feel tired or ache. What’s not normal is experiencing numerous muscle cramps. Muscle cramping is a sign of dehydration. People may also experience reduced endurance, increased fatigue, and even dwindling motivation.
5) You Have Dry Eyes or Blurred Vision
Parts of the body have to remain moist in order to function properly, that includes your eyes. When your overall body fluid levels drop you eyes can become dry and irritated. Some people can even experience blurred vision, all because they are not properly hydrated.6) Your Urine is Dark
It’s not something people generally want to talk about but your bathroom habits can tell you a lot about what’s going on in your body. Dark urine is a red flag. Ideally, you urine should be a light yellow or straw-colored. Another sign that you are dehydrated is not urinating enough. After all, not much can come out if you aren’t putting enough in.7) You’ve Got Dry Skin
The skin contains about 30% water, which contributes to skins’ plumpness, elasticity, and resiliency. If you pinch your skin and it looks thin or doesn’t snap back quickly you are probably dehydrated.8) You Aren’t Sweating
One of the more serious signs of dehydration is when your body stops sweating. When you don’t have enough fluid left in your body to produce sweat it means that your body is selectively shutting down some processes. Halting the body’s natural cooling system traps heat in your body and can raise your core temperature.