IV therapy isn’t just for younger people – it’s for just about everyone, including seniors. Many who are 65 and older who hear about IV treatment and vitamin infusion therapy immediately ask, “Am I too old for this?”
The answer is a resounding “No!” Here are the top 6 benefits of IV therapy for senior citizens:
1. Instant Hydration & All Its Beneficial Effects
When you are chronically dehydrated, your body begins to feel sluggish and becomes more vulnerable to sickness and injury. Post-IV therapy, you will begin to gain energy, mental clarity, and a better mood. The results can be felt immediately and continue for hours thereafter.
2. Quicker Recovery & Lower Risk Of Illness
Seniors are particularly vulnerable during the cold and flu season, but the pure water, vitamins, and nutrients included in IV treatment greatly reduce the chances of getting sick. This treatment can also speed up recovery and help prevent things like migraines, respiratory problems, constipation, muscle damage, and even kidney stones.
3. More Vitamins, Less Reliance On Pills
IV therapy normally includes an infusion of vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and more. But this kind of rapid re-hydration also increases the rate and efficiency at which vitamins are absorbed into (and used by) your body. This can reduce your overall reliance on pills – something many seniors would love to accomplish.
4. Reduction Of Body Toxins
The food we eat and the environment in which we live and breathe can, unfortunately, fill our bodies with harmful toxins. Professional IV treatment will flush out many of those toxins from your body, toxins that have been building up for years and negatively impacting your immune health.
5. Help For Jet Lag & Fatigue
Many of today’s seniors are very active and travel long distances throughout the year. IV therapy can reduce the effects of jet lag, make it easier to get a good night’s rest consistently and help cure overall body fatigue. It can also reduce pain and headaches.
6. Make Weight Loss Easier
Losing weight is never easy, especially for seniors who have less strength for vigorous daily exercise routines. Changes in diet will only partially solve the problem. But did you know that IV therapy can assist in weight loss too? – here’s how!
To learn more about how IV hydration and vitamin supplementation therapy can benefit seniors (or anyone!), contact IVRS in Amarillo or Lubbock, Texas, today!

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